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Creating Blogger™ Templates with Artisteer

Using Artisteer you can easily create your own fantastic and unique looking Blogger templates without learning HTML/CSS, Dreamweaver, and Photoshop. Using Artisteer's "Ideas" feature, which proposes new designs, you can automatically produce unique Blogger templates that can be later adjusted and finalized to your taste.

Here are the steps on how you can create and apply unique Blogger™ templates in minutes :

1. Run Artisteer and then click the "Suggest Design" button several times, until you see an idea that
    you like:

2. Adjust design elements such as layout, background, header, fonts, etc.

                        blogger templates

3. Publish your new template specifying your Blogger email and password, and selecting your
    Blogger blog.

4. Starting with Artisteer 4 you can add content to your Blogger blog. To do this, please enable
    "Include Content" before publishing the template.

       Congratulations on your new fantastic looking Blogger™ Template!
       For more information refer to how to use blogger templates.

                                  Download Free Artisteer Trial      Watch Flash Demo


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